Sunday, April 29, 2012

Advanced Searching - Where No One has Searched Before...

Just when I thought I knew ALL about Internet searches - Ha!!... 
   Along comes - Ta Da!!  Advanced Searches

But - there is hope! In fact much hope! I don't know about you but I am still a bit overwhelmed by the enormous galaxy of information just waiting to fill our computers, phones, iPads, and just about ANY other electronic device we can think of.

So there re some fun words like Boolean operators and short cuts that can actually help with this influx of information.

Using the words AND, OR, and NOT can tell a search engine to be more specific when you're asking for information. You can also use quotation marks around a two (or more) word phrase. This way if you are searching for "Italian food" you won't get every hit pertaining to just about any food and you won't get geographic information on the country either.

Here's a nice explanation from YouTube from   of how they work:

From this link:

And every search engine offers Advance Searching. The link may be "hiding" - Yahoo's advance search seems to show up after an initial search with an "options" bottom to the right of the results. Google's id in the little "gear" icon. But where ever it shows up - oooo the fun specifics you can add!

You can... Ask for specific languages, specific locations, specific domain extensions - you can even request certain reading levels!!
And if you'd like it in a particular format - that's there too.

So - in order to narrow the tumult of information - and make it MORE pertinent and usable - dive right in and go where few may know to follow in your Cyber journey - *** Advanced Searches ***

Here's more info for your flight:

(The following were obtained via Advanced Searching):

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