Saturday, March 31, 2012

How will we KNOW!?!

From Google Images
When I first read about Net Neutrality, I was surprised and yet I wasn’t ...

Surprised - as I have always assumed that Internet data was free flowing. Not surprised - as big corporations always seem to put profits before consumers’ desires. It’s just another way to control the money flow and product flow as well....

The right to turn a profit is basic - but so is free speech - and supposedly  a free market. The Network providers ALREADY control our speed - providing various levels (read costs) of band width/speed. But discriminating what we view - that’s going too far!

Seems to me it smacks of censorship. Who decides what or how much data will be available. Even in the highest tier is there any guarantee we will be able to access ALL the data on the Internet? And don't I have the basic right to decide what products I want to buy and use!?!

If a tiered speed/access pricing program is imposed for EACH web site - than the ones with the most money win! What will that do to the entrepreneurial innovators? Big business wins again!?!

Thankfully we have some grass root activists on the scene as well. Broad Band for America (BFA) and Save the Internet are keeping the world informed about current policy updates.The BFA Resource page has awesome articles voicing global concerns and possible solutions.

Looks like it's time to defend our freedom. Surfing anyone?